Protein and Fat/Muscle

Hemp or Whey protein powder?

Hemp vs whey protein

Whey and hemp proteins are widely known in protein supplements and consumed by fitness and health people as a quick way to increase protein intake.

Hemp protein is a natural plant-based protein made from hemp seeds, which are rich in 25% vegetable protein. Hemp has no psychoactive effects and is sought after to create hemp protein.

Research shows that protein in hemp is on par with soy and egg protein. Digestion and assimilation take quite some time, thus it nourishes the body over a longer time.

Given that it contains all the nine essential amino acids that cannot be synthesized by the body, whey protein is referred to as a “complete” protein. 

Thanks to the high biological quality of whey protein, it is easily assimilated by the organism for effective use. It is therefore known as “fast” since the organism absorbs and utilizes it rapidly.

However, although the concept of hemp vs whey protein is very diverse and has multiple nutritional profiles and effects, we will in our next article look at their merits and demerits in order to enlighten you on the key differences.

Key Differences between Hemp and Whey Protein

Deciding which is better between hemp vs whey protein is necessary. Hemp has relatively lesser protein composing values; however, it has more fiber, calcium, iron, and healthy fats. It is also packed with antioxidants and phytonutrients found nowhere else in dairy or milk.

On the other hand, whey protein powder has been well-documented to possess health benefits. Its ability to reduce body fat, improve blood lipids, and increase muscle has been proven in thousands of studies. There are some formulations that lactose-sensitive individuals can use because they are lactose-free.

It is ultimately up to you to weigh all factors in arriving at a decision. You can try hemp protein powder if you have trouble digesting milk or eating meat. 

It is an easy and quick way to boost your daily levels of omega-3s, fiber, and protein. While whey has less fiber and fewer antioxidants, it absorbs faster and provides more protein per unit serving than hemp [1].

ComponentHemp ProteinWhey Protein
Protein Content15g25g
Amino Acid ProfileLower in lysine and leucineRich in BCAAs
FatContains healthy Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acidsMinimal fat
FiberHigh(up to 9g per serving)Low(less than 1g)
IronUp to 20% DVMinimal
CalciumMinimal10-15%  DV
DigestibilityEasily digestibleRapid absorption might be problematic for people who are lactose intolerant.
SustainabilityHighly sustainableModerate environmental impact
Allergen RiskHypoallergenicPossible allergen for anyone with dairy sensitivity or lactose intolerance
Additional NutrientsRich in magnesium, zinc, antioxidantsContains bioactive peptides

Whey vs Hemp Protein Amino Acid Profile:

This comprehensive analysis describes the relative efficacy of whey protein vs hemp protein by comparing their amino acid profiles[2]:

Amino AcidWhey ProteinHemp Protein
LeucineSeven HundredTwo Thousand Five Hundred
IsoleucineFive HundredOne Thousand Five Hundred
ValineSix HundredOne Thousand Four Hundred
LysineThree HundredTwo Thousand Two Hundred
MethionineFour HundredSix Hundred
PhenylalanineNine HundredOne Thousand Two Hundred
TryptophanTwo HundredFour Hundred
ThreonineFive HundredOne Thousand Six Hundred
HistidineFour HundredFive Hundred

Key Nutritional Insights of Hemp and Whey Protein

Protein Quality:

  • For those with sensitive stomachs, hemp protein is a better option than other protein sources since it is simple to digest.
  • Whey protein is a fantastic option for athletes and anybody looking to maintain and increase muscular strength since it contains a lot of BCAAs.
Protein Quality Icon


  • Because hemp and whey proteins prolong feelings of fullness, they may aid in weight loss.
  • As it takes longer to digest and lowers the body’s levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin, protein is the most satiating macronutrient, or the most satisfying one.
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Additional Nutrients:

  • Leucine concentration is around 5.1% in hemp protein powders.
  • 8.6% in whey protein powders.
Additional Nutrients Icon


  • Because hemp crops improve soil health and need fewer inputs, hemp protein is a more sustainable choice.
  • Since whey protein is derived from dairy, which raises cows using resource-intensive methods, it has a greater environmental impact.
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Whey protein provides more than just amino acids; it also encourages muscle building, which sets it apart from the comparatively subpar hemp protein, which has the added benefit of contributing to a more balanced nutritional profile by providing essential fatty acids and fibers.

You may also like to read: When Should You Eat Protein?

Advantages of Hemp Protein Vs Whey Protein

Hemp Protein Advantages:

  • All nine essential amino acids are present in hemp seeds, making them a complete source of protein. The building blocks of all proteins are amino acids. Nine of these acids must be absorbed through diet since the body is unable to generate them.
  • More people are aware of the health advantages of polyunsaturated fats, particularly omega-3 fatty acids Trusted Source. Essential fatty acids, including omega-3 alpha-linoleic acid (ALA), are abundant in hemp seeds. Essential fatty acids must be absorbed from the food since the body is unable to generate them. They are essential.
  • The exterior hull, or shell, of a hemp seed contains a large amount of its fiber. Buy hemp seeds with the shells still on them if at all feasible.  Nevertheless, hemp seeds are a great source of fiber even without the shells; three tablespoons contain around 1.2 g of fiber (Trusted Source).
  • A remarkable variety of vitamins and minerals may be found in hemp seeds. They are also an excellent source of B vitamins, iron, and zinc.
  • According to the medical profession, omega-3 fatty acids enhance heart health and lower the risk of conditions including heart disease and arrhythmias.
  • High amounts of omega-3 fatty acids and a beneficial ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids may be found in hemp seeds. High concentrations of arginine, an amino acid that is converted to nitric oxide, are also present in the seeds.

    Whey Protein Advantages:

    • Protein aids in both muscle growth and repair. All of the necessary amino acids needed for muscle development and repair are present in whey protein. When combined with resistance exercise and excess calories, whey protein facilitates the easy completion of protein consumption and promotes muscle development.
    • Protein increases satiety and decreases hunger, which aids in weight reduction. Weight reduction might result from consuming fewer calories overall by taking whey protein or foods high in protein before meals or after working out.
    • Lactoferrin, which is present in milk products, and immunoglobulin, which is present in whey protein, strengthen the immune system and enhance general health.
    • The same mistrust that we observe with women’s weight training also applies to whey protein. The public’s lack of knowledge about supplements and the way whey protein is sold to them is partly to blame.
    • Whey protein is typically advertised by bodybuilders as a supplement for increasing muscle, which makes beginners—especially women—apprehensive about gaining size and muscle.
    • In actuality, whey protein is only a practical means of meeting a person’s daily protein needs, regardless of age or gender. It is just as natural as other protein sources like paneer, soy, poultry, and eggs. Food sources can also provide protein needs. For instance, 40 grams of soy or 100 grams of chicken or fish provide the same amount of calories and protein (including EAAs) as whey protein. The distinction lies in how easy it is to include whey in our everyday routine.
    • Whey protein is therefore entirely safe and effective for women to take, and its effects are identical to those of males. Therefore, we might think about including whey protein in our diet if we find it difficult to meet our daily protein needs from dietary sources.
    • When selecting a protein powder, women may also take their tastes, dietary needs, and food allergies into account. They can also choose from different protein solutions that are on the market.

      Disadvantages of Hemp Protein and Whey Protein

      Hemp Protein Disadvantages

      • That means as much as possible, hemp proteins and fibers are otherwise much more inclined to be and to produce things like gases, flatulence, diarrhea, and digestive disturbances, especially if one isn’t used to having a lot of fiber. It is best to start with a small amount and gradually add it.
      • Hemp protein should be avoided by those who are allergic to hemp and other plants in the cannabaceae family.
      • Some individuals worry that hemp protein would positively ‘trigger’ urine drug test failure. Conversely, research suggests that hemp protein supplements are too deficient in THC to exert influence on drug test results.
      • Some animal studies suggest that hemp could be unsafe for women during pregnancy or lactation, for persons with anemia, and for people having poor immunity against diseases – however, human studies are also very much needed.

        Whey Protein Disadvantages

        • Whey protein supplements can cause several gastrointestinal manifestations, including stomach pain, cramps, bloating, gas, diarrhea, and constipation. Most of these manifestations can be bothersome in lactating individuals, since the major building blocks of many whey protein formulations, lactose, are present in almost all formulations.
        • Some people allergic to milk may be allergic to the whey protein. Cow’s milk-allergic children may also exhibit an allergy to whey protein.
        • Nevertheless, the continuous and unregulated intake of whey protein can take a toll on the liver. Studies have shown that high-protein diets can aggravate these existing liver diseases, such as hepatitis disease.
        • Increased sebum (oil) production can occur from whey protein consumption. Increased sebum production may result in clogged pores, a favorable environment for bacterial growth and inflammation; hence, it is related to acne development.
        • Overconsumption of whey protein causes arrhythmias and may also lead to cardiac arrest and other heart problems.
        • Whey protein is associated with elevated plasma urea, increased urinary calcium excretion, and increased urinary volume, causing an overload in the functions of kidneys and possible kidney stone formation.
        • Excessive consumption of whey protein can bring about a mineral imbalance in the body, affecting bones and leading to osteoporosis.
        • It is also believed that whey proteins can make the pain worse for people suffering from gout.

          Which Should You Choose: Hemp or Whey Protein?

          Choose Hemp Protein:

          • If you are on a vegan or plant-based diet.
          • If you’re into sustainability, additional nutrients like fiber and omega-3s.
          • If you’re lactose-intolerant or allergic to dairy.

          Choose Whey Protein:

          • If your goal is building muscles and you require protein at a very rapid rate.
          • If you prefer a smooth texture and a very neutral taste.
          • If you have no issues whatsoever with dairy or lactose.
          ElementsHemp ProteinWhey Protein
          SatietyA diet rich in fiber helps people feel full and may even help them consume less calories.Its high protein level could make you feel full, but it’s low in fiber. Varying impacts on appetite regulation.
          Content of CaloriesHigher calorie content per serving due to the health benefits of lipids and fiber.Generally speaking, each serving has fewer calories, albeit product types differ.
          Absorption of ProteinsFiber-induced delayed digestion that releases amino acids gradually.Quickly accessible, making it appropriate for instant post-training recuperation.
          The ability to digestVery simple to digest; no gastrointestinal issues are often seen.For those who are lactose intolerant, it may cause intestinal distress.
          Profile of NutrientsIncludes iron, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids, among other nutrients.Rich in calcium, but deficient in fiber and good fats.

          What is the nutritional value difference between these two protein types? Is one unquestionably superior to the other? Both are great sources of protein, but hemp protein is better for vegetarians and people with dairy allergies since it has more fiber and good fat. 

          Whey protein, on the other hand, is a great option for muscle building and recovery since it has a high concentration of leucine and other vital amino acids. Which one you select will rely on your daily self and your primary objectives when selecting protein powder.

          You can choose between whey or hemp protein. Just remember that each has distinct nutritional advantages, and which makes more sense for you will largely depend on your lifestyle. Additionally, it need not be an either/or choice. If you had nothing preventing you from including both in your diet, it would be quite acceptable.

          fun fact

          Frequently Asked Questions

          Hemp vs whey protein, which one is better for you?

          Hemp protein powder might be a useful supplement to a vegan diet because iron and zinc can be harder to obtain on a plant-based diet. In general, hemp protein is a better source of iron, dietary fiber, omega-3 fats, and potassium, but whey protein offers more protein with fewer calories and is richer in calcium.

          Can you build muscle with hemp protein?

          Indeed, hemp protein powder can help you gain muscle. It’s crucial to comprehend its protein composition in contrast to choices, nonetheless.

          What is the disadvantage of hemp protein?

          Some people may develop gas, bloating, or diarrhea if they ingest too much hemp protein too rapidly since it includes relatively large quantities of fiber. Furthermore, hemp protein powder should be avoided by anyone who is allergic to hemp.

          Is hemp protein good for you?

          The nine necessary amino acids that the human body needs but is unable to generate are all present in hemp protein, making it a complete protein. Consequently, a person’s diet has to contain these amino acids. Hemp seed is regarded by several experts as one of the foods with the most comprehensive nutritional value.


          Choosing between hemp vs whey protein powders simply boils down to your preferences, dietary requirements, and wellness objectives.

          • While hemp protein provides valuable supplementation that is pure plant and nutrient-rich which includes healthy fatty acids, fiber, and minerals – such as iron – it is well-known in those who want to employ sustainable measures coupled with a full digestive health and natural allergen-free protein.
          • Whey Protein being a Star Performer in terms of Amino is ideal for muscle building, recovery, and athletic performance. Its fast-acting has relatively high calcium levels and fits the paradigm of all those with an activity-oriented lifestyle looking for post-exercise nutritional supplements.

          Both have their unique advantages, thus the best choice depends on what you want from a protein powder. The requirement of Castor oil-based nutrition or high-performance recovery lacks limits: hemp and whey would rather bank on you to up your health and fitness results.