Nutritional Facts

What Nutrients does a Woman need daily?

What Nutrients does a Woman need daily

Nutrition for women is very important when it comes to maintaining their health. There are differences between how male and female bodies are built, and their nutritional requirements change with different age cohorts. 

Knowing the body’s nutrient demands, irrespective of age 20 or 30 or any age is of utmost importance for energy maintenance, reproductive health, and healthy bones. So, let’s plunge into the quest for female nutrition and explain the strategies necessary for keeping optimal shape.

Why Nutrition is Key to Women’s Health

Women face quite a couple of changes in their bodies in a single life, such as puberty or childbearing. These phases last for several years and a woman’s nutrition needs to change, meaning most preferably between the ages of 25 and 35, when bone development, reproductive health, and overall energy levels in a woman’s body need concentration. 

This phase commonly happens within the reproductive years. Most women do work, balancing family, careers, social life, and parenting.  Thus, finding the right form of nutrition for women is significant for your body.

A woman’s health status will also depend on the right amount and balance of macronutrients such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and micronutrients that include vitamins and minerals. But how do male and female nutritional needs differ? 

There is no doubt women have cycles, hormones, and even menopause that dictate how and what they eat. Let’s discuss the essential nutrition for women.

Nutrition Chart for Women’s Health

Let’s start by examining how women’s nutritional requirements change throughout different stages of their lives.

Life Stage  

Key Nutrients

Daily Requirements

Calcium IronFolic AcidVitamin D1000 mg18 mg400 mcg folate600 IU

CalciumIronFolic AcidVitamin D1,000 mg 18 mg400 mcg folate600 IU Vitamin D

40 and Beyond  
Calcium Iron Folic acidVitamin D1000mg to 1200 mg18 mg400 mcg folate600 IU Vitamin D

Irrespective of one’s dietary habits, certain age periods will determine a greater need for nutrients such as calcium and vitamin D that are needed for the bones and overall health. For women over the age of 40, it will be necessary to increase the consumption of Omega 3 fatty acids in particular for the benefit of the heart.

4 Essential Nutrients Every Woman Need Daily:

When considering the daily nutritional requirement for females, some nutrients are essential:

1. Calcium: 

Calcium is what we often associate with bone health and the prevention of osteoporosis. It is known that women have a higher risk of developing osteoporosis compared to men. Post-menopause, women lose bone density at a faster rate. 

To prevent such risks, incorporate a minimum of 1,000 mg of calcium into your daily intake. Calcium can be found in dairy products, green vegetables, and some plant-based drinking milk enriched with calcium.

2. Iron:

The fact that women menstruate makes them more vulnerable to iron deficiency than men. Being iron-deficient canned is unfavorable due to fatigue and even anemia, hence they must consume iron-rich foods such as beef, legumes, and green vegetables. As per federal recommendations, the normal range of Iron intake for women aged between 19–50 is approximately 18 mg.

3. Folic Acid (Folate): 

Folic acid is a synthetic form of vitamin b9, that is found especially in leafy green vegetables and is used in  supplements. This is another necessary micronutrient, especially for women of reproductive age. Folic acid prevents anemia and malformations during pregnancy and helps make red blood cells. 

Sources include green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, and fortified cereal, where a daily intake of 400 mcg is advised.

4. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: 

Omega-3 fatty acids are unsaturated fatty acids that perform essential functions in our body. These are essential nutrients but our body can’t produce the amount of omega-3 we need to survive, so we must get them from our diet.

Omega-3s are useful in promoting heart health, improving brain function, and curbing inflammation. Women should include fatty fish, salmon, chia seeds, and other foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids in their diet as they become more prone to heart diseases after menopause.

You may also like to read: How To Balance Hormones Naturally?

Daily Nutritional Requirements for Women Aged 25-35

As you mature, chances are most of your time is consumed in non-existent leisure as you juggle work, friends, and family, among many other responsibilities. Here’s how to make sure you are taking the right nutrients in the right proportion,, especially when it comes to nutrition for women:

5. Protein: 

  • Women should consume a moderate amount of proteins ranging from 46 to 50 gms in a day for those aged between 25 and 35 years of age. 
  • Protein helps in the deep repair of damaged muscles and serves as an ample source of energy for a longer duration.
  • There are two sources of proteins: animal-based and plant-based proteins.
  • Animal-based protein sources include dairy products, eggs, fish, and meat.
  • While plant-based protein sources include lentils, chickpeas, and other legumes.

6. Carbohydrates: 

  • 45-65% of women’s daily caloric requirement should come from carbohydrate sources, which are safe to say of complex nature: whole grains, vegetables, beans, and peas. 
  • The carbs enable the consumer to have a constant supply of energy throughout the day. 

7. Fats:

  • Enough amounts of healthy fats should be taken to promote the functioning of the brain as well as promote the production of hormones. 
  • It is recommended that women take 20–35% of the calories of the day from fat-rich diets, for example, avocados, olive oil, and nuts.

8. Fiber:

  • The nutrients that improve the digestive system and promote cardiovascular health are known as fiber.
  • About 25 grams of fiber from the sources of fruits, vegetables, or whole grains should be consumed by a woman in a day.

9. Minerals and Vitamins: 

Apart from calcium and iron, it’s important to remember the importance of other vitamins, including D, B12, and E, which support the skin, energy, and immune system, respectively. 

A balanced meal that contains a lot of colorful fruits and vegetables usually, in most cases, takes care of your vitamin requirement.

How to Meet Your Nutritional Needs as a Woman

Now that we understand which nutrients are important, how do we ensure we consume enough of them in our diets? It’s easier than you think!

  • Start your day right: For example, try having scrambled eggs on whole-grain sliced bread or drinking a smoothie with greens, Greek yogurt, and chia seeds for Omega-3.
  • Snack wisely: Mothers usually give their children sweets for instant energy; instead, they should use other things that have healthy calories such as almonds and fruits.
  • Dinner with a twist: Your dinner plate should be a work of art. For example, go for grilled salmon (with those omega-3 foods) together with quinoa and steamed broccoli for iron and fiber, respectively.
  • Add supplements if necessary: There are some traces of minerals that are very hard to get through food, for example, folic acid. In that case, supplements are available on the market.

You may also calculate your nutrition: Micro Nutrient Calculator


What nutrients does a woman need daily for optimal health?

Women thrive on several essential nutrients, which include calcium for strong bones, iron to avoid anemia, folic acid for women’s health issues, and omega 3 for a healthy heart and brain.

How can women meet their daily nutritional requirements?

The most effective strategy to ensure proper nourishment is eating healthy, or rather, natural, unprocessed foods in an appropriate balance, supplementation with lean protein, healthy fats, and sufficient amounts of fruits and vegetables. 

If that is not possible, then do not be shy to use supplements whenever necessary, for example, calcium or folic acid if food sources do not seem to provide you enough.

What should women eat to stay healthy at any age?

All age groups should aim for calories from healthy, high-quality foods such as dark leafy greens, whole grains, and healthy fats such as lean meat proteins. With age, more special emphasis should be laid on calcium, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids, among other micronutrients.

How do a woman’s nutrient needs change with age?

With the progression of years comes the need for a higher intake of vitamins, particularly calcium and vitamin D, to guard against osteoporosis in women. Omega 3s, especially for the heart, are more important than ever, as may be the case for some B vitamins, perhaps B12, as more may be required to meet energy levels.


Knowing and fulfilling one’s dietary requirements is perhaps the most effective way to ensure health and vitality at every stage of life. Understand that true health encompasses all age groups, and nutrition for women at any age from 20 to 40 is all about moderation.

Focus on calcium, iron, folic acid, omega-3, and other foods whose value in nutrition is high. And yes, while supplements do go a long way, actual intake of the vitamins from healthy, proper food cannot be compared to anything else. So eat properly and appreciate all the benefits that it will bring you in the following years!